
State Of The Union: 1

Under the threat of everything daily in the United States I live in state of numbness. If it popped of tomorrow, I’d probably still go through the motions of getting ready for work. Someone I once admired asked me a question in 2009 when I began researching secret societies, modern politics, and anything associated with systemic structures. “What are you gonna do about it?” Well, now I need to have a plan because society is more unstable than ever. In the midst of a tariff war and on the verge of world war. A reality TV personality has been voted into office for a second term based on the hate this nation is built on and the anti-intellectualism that has infected the United States since 2016. Migration is not part of the plan. Born in this nation, raised in this nation, and worked hard to grow through all transgressions bestowed upon myself within this nation. There is no running. Only the patient rage that has been building since childhood. The dormant anger that has to be hidden away while I navigate forty hours a week for money to survive in a place no man owns. Yeah, I play the game with rigor. My customer service skills, resourcefulness, intelligence, calm, unrivaled in the industry. Only because I have to play the game. Let me find out the game is over.